Saturday, October 27, 2007

In search of Zen ....

...or at the very least some form of balance.

I said before that my anchor was gone. That's not entirely correct - I seem to always have an anchor. Maybe I'm self-anchoring? It's more like my 'balance' has been disturbed (for lack of a better term). In a strange way to visualize it, picture if someone reached into your aura and just gave it a quick stir. The colors aren't balanced; the energy is off.

Someone mentioned "I wonder which gods YOU pissed off". That led to a rather lively discussion with Jon about the fact that mine and his have both developed a sense of the macabe - perchance there's a 3rd? Harold was pleased at that thought.

Perhaps though ... just possibly ... this is a cue to re-embrace my (our?) spirituality. It gets interesting however since we're in a mixed marriage - Wiccan/Christian (I'll let you figure out which one is which) but we also support each others individual beliefs so it works.

To quote a rather more famous muse: " doesn't matter what you have faith in, just that you have faith." Serendipity//Dogma I like that.

----a quick note about this blog: this one is mostly for me. As such it won't make much sense ... anymore sense in fact than it's name which yes Harold chose.

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