Wednesday, May 7, 2014

I haz a kitty porch

One of the things I was concerned about with the new apartment was the lack of fenced backyard space for the cats to lay in the sun, watch the birds, and generally play.  While it's a concrete porch, the cats certainly enjoy the sunshine - as you can see from Sebastian.

When we went to look at apartments and did the tour, Jon chose the one that was available earliest.  It was a good choice.  We're closer to the mailboxes, closer to the pool, and being in the back part of the community means fewer school age kids.  They prefer to be closer to the front part for the bus stop.

Bonus?  ours has a double entranceway.  The first door doesn't lock for obvious reasons (you can reach over the railing and open it) but it opens onto this little patio walkway that is perfect for the cats.

Now I just need to get them some greenery and such and make it a comfy - safe - place for them to play.

Essie likes it too - just doesn't like her photo snapped obviously - or maybe she just wants the camera?

No she's not angry - just being her goofy self but look at them paws eh?

So the kitties are happy, the bird is being the bird, and Jon is happy.  I'd call this choice a win-win.

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