Sunday, July 6, 2014

On being 50 .......

Hard to believe.  50.  Wow.  Shouldn't I feel something?  Shouldn't I feel different?  Maybe have an epiphany?

Apparently not.  Just another day.  Another milestone.

I decided low-key was the way to go.  I treated myself to an awesome massage and a fabulous facial at our local day-spa.  I will say this:  living where I do, everything is close.  This place is just around the corner less than 3 minutes from the house.

I did get to hear that I didn't have the skin of a 50 year old - more like 40.  Sunblock works apparently.  My hands and forearms tell the tale of my age though.  I see the veins, the rough spots, and yes I know these hands have worked.  I see the beginnings of varicose veins on my legs and yes they've worked as well.  My body has served me well though I would prefer a bit less padding.

I also decided to toss the diet to the four-winds today and eat junk.  It wasn't as awesome as I thought it would be.  Perhaps another lesson learned there?

I'm at a good place in my life.  I have a career that I can either choose to expand or just keep as status quo.  A decade or so ago, I would have wanted to keep reaching, keep pushing, keep trying for more more more.  Now?  not as much.  I don't want to be in charge.  I just want to be indispensable *grin*  I'm happy at work.  I have enough to do to keep me from being bored without being stressed.  This is a wonderful gift.

I have a husband who adores me, though why I will never know.  I have 3 awesome children who call me Mom though I only gave birth to one of them.  I have awesome grandchildren.  I have friends throughout the country to whom I touch base daily and we keep up in each others lives, trials, joys, and tribulations.  More gifts.  The best gifts of all - people who you can love you can choose to love you in return.

Yes 50 is fabulous.  I bet 60 is even better.

I cannot take credit for the photo - it's a cake topper.  Since I'm not a cake person, I rarely get to see these but I thought hey Groovy ..........

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