Friday, July 13, 2012

Good Morning Sunshine

Yeah and HI y'all

So the 2nd week on new job:  good and not good/pleasure pain/ you know the drill ... what do you expect from an ambidextrous confused individual such as myself?

In this case my confusion has merit.  I'm working for a security company.  Yay - I like security.  Security is good.  Things secure - zero problemos with da Stephanie.

WTF?  you  mean GUNS?  HANDGUNS?

Zero problemos went straight to OMG what? in 6 seconds flat

7 seconds if you're the east german judge

It's tough.  As you may or may not know, I abhor handguns.  They're just too easy to get out of a persons control and then boom the wrong person has it, be a child or a perpetrator or OMG honey was that you coming up the stairs -- too bad I really didn't mean to like shoot and kill you ya know.

A friend of mine reminded me that better trained security than the Barney Fife School of Deputy-ship.

Oh well.  I shall see if this is a hurdle I can overcome.  I think it is simply because my issue always has been the ease of purchase of handguns and of course the the ease of concealment (where concealed carry is legal) and the idiots that leave it on the end table for their kid to find.  I would hope and pray that the persons we employ who are armed are smarter than that.

I will hope and pray.  Because if they're not -- well then my hope for the human race in regards to firearms just took a giant dunk in the toiliet.

and not in a Will Smith "flushed" sorta way.

fwiw - photo above - while looking like a sunset is actually a sunrise at virginia beach - just after I accepted the employment agreement for the place where I currently work.

1 comment:

Em said...

I see no use for handguns for private citizens - you can easily protect your home with a rifle or a shotgun or probably a can of mace. The only purpose for a handgun is to shoot people, or the occasional animal that needs to be put out of its pain quickly. So I think they make sense for those who protect us from the bad guys. And I have to say, being a security guard can be a dangerous job - and you generally aren't paid anywhere near what you should for the risk. So, if you are in that line of work, have some sort of appropriate training and want to pack heat....I wouldn't object.