Friday, June 1, 2012

Finding the love ......

One of the wicked uglies of Parkinsons is the way the body deals with synthetic LDopa in relation to the protein consumed.  Further adding to the raving uglies is *what* protein needs to be considered, not just how much.

We discovered that Jon doesn't deal well with proteins from red meat.  Pork is becoming an issue as well.  Enter the salmon.

not to be confused with Enter the Dragon.....

Not a big fan.  I love tuna and tilapia and rockfish and cod and tons of others but salmon always was blech nasty.  I've discovered that meant it was over cooked.  So now I embark on a new cuisine - learning to cook fish and embrace a more mediterranean cuisine.

At least it's healthy.  We have a new grill so I foresee many hours of instruction learning to grill things I never tried before.  The one bonus (ok there are two) is that it involves Jon as he has to help me being a novice with fish, and the second I guess is its healthy?

We broke down and purchased an electric mower for the back yard.  I can't swing a weedeater (well not the big one we have) and Jon can't anymore so we went the logical route.  I also foresee more time lazing about in the yard watching the critters.

....but I do not intend on offering salmon to even the most industrious and inventive of our feathered friends....

not unless they ask nicely ;)

Photo above is from one of my recipe sites.


TheDivineMsEm said...

I prefer grilled tuna to salmon, but anything grilled rocks much more than ordinary fish. But I'm not the greatest griller, so perhaps I can borrow Jon sometime....(and you as well, of course.

Susan said...

omg woman, now I know where you are. thought I would check out the place cause I haven't been here in a while and bingo her is miss spagetti. Hope all is well as it can be.

Unknown said...

@Em - I prefer grilled tuna as well but I was pleasantly surprised I was fine with salmon. Jon's grilling is a little bit wonky - damned Parkinsons anyway - but he's spot on with advice (and can work a mean bottle opener). Anytime - just say the word

@Susan - Hi - long time eh? I needed my blog therapy. So much has happened but as always there are blessings in and amongst the madness. Oddly enough Jon and I are closer and more respectful of each other than before. Oh yes I still blast him whenever I think he's giving up/giving in to the symptoms and losing his fight but we're cruising. Go figure......