Monday, June 6, 2011

Harold's Shopping Extravaganza

Sadly it was *my* credit card.  Still my muse knows how to find a bargain ... or is it me?

Either way 4 Lane Bryant shirts for $60.00 and yes 3 of the 4 were black.  It's ok - Harold swears it's my power color.  Frankly I think he likes the idea of black = tortured artist.  Either way, it goes with EVERYTHING so that works.  Then he gently reminded me that Jon loves me in camisoles and it was probably time for a sale at Ashley Stewart and wouldn't you know it was?  4 camisoles for $30.00 and wheeee lots of pretties.  I was looking at the jewelry but I really have enough of it and Harold keeps reminding me that 1) I rarely wear it and 2) The Wild Granny left me a ton of diamonds.

....and according to him everthing goes with diamonds.

Nice at at least one of us has decent taste ;) 


TheDivineMsEm said...

LOL - retail therapy is the best. I'm not so keen on all that black for summer - either Harold is emo or he's forgotten how flipping HOT it gets in DC in August.

Toyin O. said...

These are great deals, thanks for sharing.

Julie said...

Ashley Stewart is the best site for plus size women like me. I shop at Ashley Stewart because they give discount by using Ashley Stewart coupon codes.