Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What a Weekend it Was

I took Harold to the woods over Memorial Day Weekend.  After plying him with (more than) a few Mich Ultras, he started to loosen up and have a good time.  Then he proceeded to tell the cigar smokers that not inhaling is like spitting ... ::sigh::  too bad my muse doesn't have an off button.

We saw friends, made new friends, yelled God Shave the Queen, heard music from old friends and new friends, and generally had a roaring time.  I was officially pinned Lucky M'Crack of the Clan M'Crack and watched our Laird High Chieftan nearly fall off his perch.

Good times.

I also got to hit the pool.  Where Harold's passion is beer, wit, and slightly inappropriate behaviour, mine has always been water.  He pouted off in the corner because we couldn't bring our beer to the pool but brightened up with an offering of Sonic later.

More photos:

Of course it wouldn't be faire if I didn't get a photo of the bartenders now would it?  Especially since they're the ones that helped Harold invent "remote ordering".  I stand in line, wave the mug, and when I get to the front, Harold's beer is ready.  Sweeeeeeeeet.

Now I wish I could just cross-post this blog ... I'm certain there's a way but it's beyond me and Harold ain't helping -- he's whining that we're at work before 5 a.m. and there's perfectly good Sam Adams in the fridge.

....and salt and vinegar chips on the counter.


TheDivineMsEm said...

You can crosspost by using the email function...if your other blog accepts email posts. And if you happen to crosspost to something that links to Facebook - then you are everywhere :)

Unknown said...

::shudder:: I think I'll leave facebook out of it LOL

I've been trying to consolidate my blogs/journals/whathaveyou for eons and haven't ever quite got it done.

Procrastinators Anonymous: we'll meet later *grin*