Monday, August 16, 2010

While I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next .....

This particular book left me cold.

For those who wonder, yes I am in possession of the original LOOK magazines from that time.  My ex's Grandmother had saved them and wanted me to have them.  She knew I'd care for them and trust me I have.  I've also read things that you might not know - things that were reported THEN but lost over time - unless you really dug.

I've heard them all I think.  The most interesting theory wasn't that it was a conspiracy but rather an accident.  I think it was supported by Cyril Wrecht but I'm not certain.  Anyway the supposition goes that a Secret Service person standing in the back of one of the limos lost his balance and oopsed.  Could be.  It's plausible and the trajectories etc could be made to match.  I've also heard that Johnson (sitting in the next limo) pulled out a revolver and shot him.  Far fetched?  yep.

Why do we love a good conspiracy theory?  Is it our way of making sense of a nonsensical situation?  Is it our way of making the square pegs fit round holes so we're happy, organized, and off to deal with another situation?  Or is it our love of a good drama.

I have my own theories, supported by cursory research and access to interesting reading material.  My foremost theory is that we'll probably never know because when the truth is shaded, albeit a little or a lot, then the truth disappears.  As in when you make the evidence fit to the crime.  The real crime is technically unsolved.

I was also fortunate enough to have a father on the East Coast in a restricted program when the shit hit the fan on many things in 62 and 63.  He vowed we'd never truly know.  I think he's probably right on that account.

For now, I will definitely NOT recommend the book above.  It's mostly filled with *I* read this and *I* studied that and look how *I* can make this stuff make sense.  Cutting to the spoilers - the CIA did it because Kennedy was turning into a pacifist and had been having secret talks with the USSR.

Doubtful.  Plus not really well written either.

Oh Cris if only Tim were still around to help me trash this book.  I thought about him when I finally skipped to the last and thought OMG I have better ideas than that (and better research) hehehe  He had the info that I never did have (being born in 64) and this one?  just not good - even from a conspiracy theory point of view.

1 comment:

JBinford-Bell said...

My father had all the Look Magazines too. And I had the good or bad luck of moving to Dallas the following summer. Every date took you to the grassy knoll. And one also got an inside look at all that Johnson/Ruby/Oswald connection stuff.

My theory on conspiracy theories it they all go back to the lies of Roswell. Whether we have been lied to since doesn't matter, but the Warren commission certainly made it all that much worse or any of us to believe we are ever told the truth by our government.

BTW my father was stationed as a pilot at Roswell a couple years later. He was a man that totally believed in UFO's as a reality.