Monday, July 26, 2010

Sometimes you just gotta keep paddling

...and sometimes you throw in the towel and float.

Harold informed me that too many changes at once, while ambitious, is driving him bonkers.  Yeah I could see that.

I caved this weekend and procured my favorite crutch:  nicotine.

Yes it's an ugly monkey.  It's a monkey that quite frankly embarrasses me in public and isn't really socially acceptable anymore.  I get that.

I also get that a psychotic break isn't acceptable either.  No I wasn't that far, just distracted, unfocused, and frankly just not dealing.

We shall try again when work slows a bit this winter because (as Harold reminded me) only when we fail to try are we truly failing.

...and now on to your regularly scheduled programming.  I've hid from work long enough this morning :)

the photo above came from NCRF 2005 I believe, I didn't write the date on it buggers.  I love ducks and there was such a lovely pond there, that I simply could not resist.

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