Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Live to work/work to live


Often I need to come in well before sunrise because work demands it.  Often, as well, I forget the benefits of coming in crack-o-dawn.

I've noticed over the years that our normal office staff tends to come in grumpy.  It's not because they're here that early -- I'm often here earlier.  I think it's more a cultural thing.

First off let me say this:  1) this is not a commentary on race nor is it racist  2) this is not a commentary on the legality of workers from other countries - I check them fairly thoroughly  3) race will be mentioned just as a defining term.

I come in early and usually reasonably happy.  I am the minority in our mono-chromatic office staff.  Yes we're all white.  I am white as well so the difference being I don't come to work grumpy and out-of-sorts.

For the most part though, our field employees are Hispanic -- or Latino if you prefer.  They're from Jamaica, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, and yes even a couple from South Africa (who prefer the term black - they're very sweet about it though).

What they have in common with each other -- and NOT in common with the office staff is not only a difference in race but rather a difference in attitude both toward work and toward life.

When I'm here crack-o-OMG-dawn, I hear laughs, smiles, friendly greetings, sometimes singing.  From the rest of my office staff?  nope they're not here and when they get in a cheerful Good Morning will get you a grunt if you're fortunate.  No these are my field staff.  They smile.  They laugh.  They're friendly, vivacious, happy to be here:

Happy to be alive to see another day.

I love them.  They love me. They love to chat. They love to laugh.  They love the sunrise.  They love the pre-sunrise, whether they're just coming in or they've worked all night -- doesn't matter ....

They Are Happy.

Why can't we embrace each day with the same enthusiasm?  Just damned happy to be alive for another sunrise?

the photo above is from Rehoboth 2009.  Obviously I am a morning person and dawn and pre-dawn are my favorite parts of the day.  They're made even better when I have a happy person to enjoy the morning with.


Cris said...

Not a morning person here - most definitely - but a cheery voice in the morning would be most welcome.

As for the others, fluorescent poisoning?

JBinford-Bell said...

I'm white. Well, not totally white. Dad was at least in part according to my grandmother Black Irish. That means some Moor in there somewhere. Shades of Othello. lol. So I have always hated checking that box.

Dad, the Lt. Col who certainly looked white, had a house rule: If you could not smile at the breakfast table you could not eat. He maintained how you began the day set the tone for the balance.

I live alone (except for fur kids) and I have kept the habit. No growling before 10 at least. On my part or theirs.

So as regards your blog I guess I would have to see it as cultural rather than racist. Your white co-workers were allowed to get away with bad attitudes. Just raised wrong.

BTW, when I had a "real job" I liked doing my overtime in the morning. Traffic was lighter and less disruptions from the telephone or the staff.

Unknown said...

Jacqui - that was the word I was looking for (and couldn't find) - cultural.

It *is* a cultural difference. Like when my African American field supervisor (who also prefers the term black) has his workers refer to me as "Miss Stephanie". He will tell them to not disrespect me because I do their payroll. The only exception was Robert - he could call me Mom.

I think the military has its own cultural values as well. I remember we referred to the adults as Mr or Miss [first name] and woe be unto us if we didn't.

It is nice to have the happy singers in the morning. It's also nice to have the respect of many of my field workers thanks in a great part to one of our lead supervisors.