Monday, May 19, 2008

Why is it 3:30 in the a.m.?

...and what am I not in bed?

The answer to that is simple: snoring. Mine? no.

It's been just my fortune to not only have a spouse with Parkinson's but one who snores and snores LOUD. Loud enough that when I'm upstairs with the door shut and the television on I can still hear him. In bed? Oh please.

Sometimes I almost expect the neighbors to call.

So I'm often up and awake at ungodly hours because I cannot bring myself to forbid him his bed. I'm often up and awake because the noisy darlin just can't seem to understand how loud he is. After begging for years for a sleep study, I've finally given up and simply greet the dawn with a yawn instead of a smile.

Yes it's 3:30 a.m. and now it's coffee time -- dawn is just around the corner.
the photo above is from Spoutwood Farm in Pennsylvania home of the PA Fairie Festival. The early morning mist reminds me of dawn breaking in the mountains.

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