Monday, February 4, 2008

I am anonymous

OK so you know no I'm not. I have this page linked multiple places. Anonymous Spaghetti was Harold's invention and frankly he's still not telling me where it came from.

No what I'm talking about now is anonymous comments. I've left my different blog platforms open to non screened comments and yes I allow anonymous ones. I usually have to delete them as they're frankly spam but I get a few I let through.

Here's the deal though: why would someone comment - why would someone go through the effort of commenting -- and then leave it as 'anonymous'? Are they frightened of their own name? Are they in the witness protection program? Could they not come up with a decent alias?

---or--- is it just because they're trolls

Oh yeah right first time ;)
**the photo above was taken at the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire in 2006 of a wonderful sculpture at a shop.

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