Tuesday, November 6, 2007

On this date

On this date last year I was still numb from the call 2 days before telling me my best friend Deb (who was also my cousin) had unexpectedly died.

On this date last year I was still emotionally rocked from discovering 2 days before that my father had died in April and no one thought to inform me.

On this date last year I apologized to my son Robert because his birthday was wrecked again by deaths in the family. It happens frequently. He was still pretty upset over Dad and Debbie.

On this date last year we were informed that Jon's mother was not long for this earth. She passed six days later.

---I send a fervent prayer that this November is kinder. I doubt I could take another one like last year. October this year was nearly bad enough to send me to a shrink begging any drugs to make it all just go away.

the photo above was taken at Calvert Cliffs summer 2007


nightowl said...

I do hope this November is much kinder and also that you and Jon are doing well. Hugs.

Unknown said...

Me too Lina. Last year was rough on a lot of us wasn't it?

I'm glad you're still around :)
