Sunday, November 18, 2007

The most melancholy time of the year?

Yes the changes in familial situations is finally hitting me this year. Each year prior we tried to figure out how to juggle visiting and the kids (even when they're adults they're still kids) and Mom and this year we literally have no agenda - no need to juggle. It will be just Jon, Mom, and myself. For any gifts we will probably do online and mail (ever so much easier) or $$$ (Robert's rather logical request).

The holidays have always been about family from the first time I spend Thanksgiving eve with Grandma doing the prep for the next day to even last year when I planned around a neighbor and son + girlfriend. It has always been controlled chaos. This year it appears to be organized.

That is probably the most unnerving aspect - Thanksgiving will be organized.

The shopping was disorganized though ... I guess that's a plus? heh

the photo above was taken autumn 2006 at the Maryland Renaissance Festival


Anonymous said...

this is very nice

Unknown said...

Thank you Kato.

Anonymous said...

Oh well, Christmas is just around the corner, plenty of scope for being disorganised there :)

Unknown said...

LOL this is true.

Disorganization - thy name is Holiday.