Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thoughts on moving forward

A new year.

A new beginning.

New thoughts. New days.

Changes. More changes.

Changes upon changes.

The changes from a year. The things that haven't changed. The things that will change in the future.

A year ago I was a prolific public blogger on Y!360. Now that blog is all but closed and awaiting whatever the fates and follies that Yahoo chooses. I have tried repreatedly to safe the entries and comments but I want to save them intact not just bits and pieces. I find I much prefer to leave it as the ghost of christmas past rather than save a skeleton.

Today. I have a few of the friends on Multiply. I find that while different, it is still the best alternative to Y!360. Note I don't say substitute because in truth it isn't: in ways it's much preferred but in others it doesn't have the magic that 360 had. Perhaps that will come with time.

I will keep this blogger because sometimes I wish to blog things that are just for me. If they're read and commented upon so be it but since this is less public that is doubtful. Often it's just a place to expound on the thoughts that roam my brain free range and without fences.

Often it's a place to make sense out of the senselessness that my life can be at times.

Sometimes --- more frequently lately --- it's a place to chart the changes that time makes.

May I look back upon this in a year with a fond smile.

May this blog celebrate the spring as well as the winter.

the picture above was taken in 2006 at The Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC. It is looking across the Tidal Basin at the Jefferson Memorial

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